Sarai L finished NRPS performance test as no 3 with a total score of 84,67.
Sarai L is an attractive, striking large-framed stallion who does his work with great dedication. The stallion has a beautiful and appealing leg technique and shows that he has a lot of ability to change tempo and candence. The walk is clear, four-beat, sufficient of space but could be a bit more suppleness with more over track. The trot has a very beautiful movement technique with a strong use of the hind leg and shows that he can easy switch in tempo and candence. What stands out in Sarai L is absolutely his big outstanding canter in which he has a very powerful uphill jump with a lot of space and a very good self-carriage.
Sarai L has developed very well during the test and has shown that he has a lot of ability to both go forward and collect and a very good attitude and willingness to work. The guest rider was also very enthusiastic about the stallion and praised him about his canter, workability and ability to go forward and to collect.
Stable behaviour: Honest, reliable stallion, easy to handle and quiet in the stable.
Sorry when translation is not fully correct, but hope you get the context. (made by H2R)
The performance test was won by Final Dream by Fontaine TN / Johnson / Florencio with a top score of 93 p.
2nd placed with 86p Danny Boy by Dream Boy / Tolando.