Thranegaardens Rostov and Lone Bang Larsen best Danish combination placed 6th.
Danish combinations
Both Danish combinations Lone Bang Larsen with Thranegaardens Rostov and Anne Troensegaard with Kipling TSF showed solid tests today and were placed 6th and 7th with 72,170% and 71,894%.
Thranegaardens Rostov looked more relaxed body wise today and Lone shows the mare in a lovely frame with good power throughout the entire test. Highlights were the extended walk tour, 1 times and clearly improved pirouettes. (watch their test here below)
Super halt, super expressive diagonal, nice flow forward crossing half pass left, small misunderstanding into passage at C, nice extension, good passage nice regularity, good half pass right good flow, good transition at C, good extensions, nice transitions, nice relaxation with good over track for extended walk, good collected walk, good 1st piaffe, tiny tensions passage, lacking bit more clear flow for transitions, nice 2nd piaffe, good transition to canter, good canter half passes, super nice 2 times nice forward, super 1 times, good extended canter, good quality canter for both pirouettes bit big, nice 1 times, super extension, nice final centerline.
Kipling TSF and Anne also showed a solid test with just a small issue going into the trot half pass to right with a small canter, rest was without errors but for more moments Kipling becomes bit hind the vertical.
Super halt, power expressive diagonal, nice uphill balanced half pass left, good into passage, power extension, nice back into good passage, tiny short neck, small canter into half pass right, becomes bit hind the vertical for passage, super extension, good into walk, good walk tour, bit tense piaffe lacking bit steps, 2nd lacking more clear forward search, lost bit passage into canter, good half passes, nice 2 times, a couple of 1 times with parallel hind, super extended canter but error change, superb 1st pirouette, nice 1 times, nice sit bit big 2nd pirouette, good into trot, super extension, super nice final centerline, nice forward trend. PERSONAL BEST
Interesting to watch Werth with her young GP mare for their first international show. The basic qualities are obvious and this is just the beginning for this very talented mare under one of the best dressage riders in the world.
Superb / Isabell Werth - Good halt, super balanced power diagonal, crossing uphill super reach half passes, nice into passage, power long side, nice regular passage, super crossing half pass right, power expression in and out, good extended walk, good collected walk, bit early start of piaffe bit forward, bit on/off passage, bit tense unbalanced piaffe steps, late transition to canter, bit unbalanced half passes, error 2 times, good 1 times, tension out of the corner for extended canter, super sit lack bit more clear canter for 1st pirouette, 2nd much better, good 1 times, super long side, nice passage, lacking bit impulsion for final piaffe, good halt.
Here you find the entire results.