World Champion 2021 Kjento with Charlotte Fry - photo credit: Timo Martis
Convincing victory in the 6 year old final today
With two strong stallions in top of the field from the preliminary round the gold and silver were quite obvious before the final.
From today’s judges the charming and well presented Suarez by Sezuan / Desperados with Mette Sejbjerg Jensen stepped down the podium (3rd in the preliminary test) and finished as no 9. (From H2R very harsh judging). Well deserved winner of the small final Fürst Kennedy by Fürsten-Look / Don Kennedy moves up to 11 position in the final.
Both breeding stallions Kjento by Negro / Jazz with Charlotte Fry and Escamillo by Escolar / Rohdiamant with Manuel Dominguez Bernal did their job with full concentration and power both days.
Escamillo: Nice halt, good diagonal, nice balance uphill shoulder in, good volte, supple half pass left, better diagonal with better swing, nice shoulder in, volte and well balanced half pass, good into walk, lack bit more clear contact to the bit for extended walk, lacking bit more collection for collected walk, good walk pirouettes, lovely forward flow for canter, super 1st flying change, nice 2nd change, super uphill forward 3rd change, 4th change super uphill, lack bit more clear flow for transition to trot, good diagonal, nice halt.
Super good horse - super good riding from the judges.
Surprisingly but well deserved at bronze position for today’s final Polish Beata Stremler with her well educated and super balanced gelding For Magic Equesta by For Romance / A Jungle Prince. They came from at 5th place in the preliminary test.
For Magic Equesta: Nice halt, nice balanced diagonal, nice tact and rhythm for shoulder in, volte and half pass, expressive diagonal in super balance, good extended walk, good collected walk including good pirouettes, tiny tension for transition to canter, bit tense 1st change, 2nd change very nice, 3rd change ok, good 4th change, power diagonal, good halt.
When it comes to podium horses it is not just the performance and the qualities, but also if they are bodywise well developed and prepared, and do the horses look like they are doing the exercises with surplus, easyness and obedience. All three podium horses were showing great “Leistungsbereitschaft”.
Kjento really enjoy his time in the arena
Going into the arena where Charlotte making him confident doing a few rounds and when entering the centerline they are both fully focused on the job. Not a single step wrong, power and accuracy in the full package combined with expression, tact, balance and a special “Kjento power off the ground”. For his trot and canter work the way he is able to push himself of the ground is something very special where he is showing his strength in his entire body and within the same time to keep an outstanding outline all the time keeping a nice positioning of head and neck. The walk is clear and active and very useable for the future sport.
Enjoy the World Champion test: (and listen to the subsequent comments from the judges at the end of the video)
Silver medal test:
Bronze medal test: