Blue Hors Farrell and Nanna Merrald winner of CDI1 Prix Sct. Georg - photo: @clipmyhorse
Nanna Merrald and Blue Hors Farrell with a strong winner performance
As just 2nd to go in today’s class Danish Nanna Merrald was ready to present the 10 year old Fürstenball / Dacaprio Hanoveraner stallion. A super forward flow throughout the entire test, where you were not in doubt about the super qualities, but for sure also a very strong and experienced performance from Nanna, as you could see that her job was more than riding the test, but also the way Nanna was able to keep Farrell focused on the job in the arena.
Good halt, power expressive balanced diagonal, bit open shoulder in, good volte and supple flow half pass, super diagonal, again bit to open shoulder in, super flow volte and half pass, bit hind aides into walk, good walk pirouettes, good collected walk, good be a bit more forward over the back extended walk, good transition to canter, nice half passes, very nice sit and collection 1st pirouette, super preparation 2nd pirouette nice quality, super changes at C, nice 4 times, nice 3 times, good extended canter, bit unbalanced final halt. 74,441%.
Second placed was Patrik Kittel with 8 year old Swedish bred Bergsjoholms Valbonne by Blue Hors Zack / Epson. A super expressive and powerful horse with lot of potential, still a bit green for some moments but on the right track all the way presented by experienced Patrik Kittel.
Quick halt good halt, no need to stay to long, super expressive diagonal with power, nice shoulder in, volte and supple half pass, super diagonal, nice shoulder in, volte becomes bit square, nice half pass, good into walk, bit tense collected walk, bit tense pirouettes, lost balance bit for 2nd, need more relaxation for extended walk tour, good canter half passes, nice pirouette bit unbalance into, good change at C, 2nd pirouette more straight into with good quality, good 4 times, bit tense 3 times, good extended canter bit conservative, super nice halt. 73,500%
Third today was also a very well known lady, Spanish Beatrice Ferrer-Salat showing 11 year old Dark Rose de Fanger by Dancier. Light-footed and expressive mare showing nice qualities.
Bit unbalanced halt, expressive diagonal, nice shoulder in, well balanced volte and half pass, nice diagonal, good shoulder in, smooth volte and supple half pass, good into walk, bit unbalanced collected walk, good walk pirouettes, nice extended walk tour, good into canter, lack bit more bend for half passes, easy 1st pirouette, good change at C, good 2nd pirouette, bit swing hind change to right, tiny lost of balance final change at 3 times, could show more clear transition from extended canter before change, not steady final halt. 71,441%