Weihegold OLD and Isabell Werth at “their usual spot” - photo: #Clipmyhorse
Day 1 does not count for tomorrows Grand Prix Special at the German championship, but nevertheless an important day where everyone shows their form and strength for the judges.
No doubt the gold medals for the next two days will be either TSF Dalera BB or Weihegold OLD, and from H2R point of view no doubt about Grand Prix Special for Dalera and Jessica while Weihe and Werth might take the Grand Prix freestyle.
From today’s Grand Prix Dalera and Jessica were the clear winners. Faustus and Dorothee showed a really strong test with expensive small mistake for the two times.
H2R comments about top 3 (Comments about the other combinations are available via Horse2rider.com Facebook page).
Weihegold OLD / Isabell Werth, good halt, conservative diagonal, nice half passes, good halt with rein back, good diagonal, direct into passage, nice piaffe, active transitions, bit unbalanced extended walk, good collected walk tour, direct into passage, nice piaffe but not with as much sit as usual, nice passage, good into canter, super 2 times, power diagonal, nice zigzag, does not react on first aides for 1 times, super sit for both pirouettes, good into trot, bit unbalanced final diagonal, super final centerline with super halt.
Dalera BB / Jessica von Bredow-Werndl - bit open halt, power diagonal, nice crossing half passes, good halt with rein back, elastic diagonal direct into passage, superb piaffe easy flow in and out, active relaxed extended walk, good collected walk, direct into passage, nice 2nd piaffe, good into canter, nice 2 times, power extended canter super change, small count error zigzag, ok 1 times, super pirouettes, nice flow into trot, power diagonal super expressive, superb final centerline.
Faustus / Dorothee Schneider - good halt, nice picture for the diagonal, lack bit more bending for half passes, good halt with rein back, power diagonal, active passage, easy piaffe, nice extended walk, super collected walk tour, direct into passage, active easy looking piaffe with nice transitions, error begin 2 times, power extended canter, super zigzag, nice 1 times, super nice both pirouettes, nice transition to trot, power diagonal, super nice final centerline, super halt.
Masterpiece from Klimke
Ingrid Klimke and 12 year old Hann stallion Franziskus has been on “everyones” lips for long time (just not by H2R before now). Incredible work Klimke has done with this stallion, from being so stallion like against the aides but at least doing something during the tests, till today where you just have to bend to the ground for the huge commitment and effort from Klimke getting there - this is a journey done by a true master.
Franziskus / Ingrid Klimke - good halt, power expressive diagonal, lacking more carriage for half passes, good halt bit dragging rein back, power diagonal, nice passage, active piaffe with nice transitions, short extended walk, good collected walk, good 2nd piaffe with nice activity, lack bit more flow for transition to passage, nice 2 times, power extended canter, well balanced zigzag, nice 1 times, 2nd pirouette with super nice quality, power diagonal, small disturb at centerline, super halt.