Thranegaardens Rostov and 🇩🇰Danish Lone Bang Larsen placed 3rd today - photo credit: H2R
Habibi Dvb and Mara De Vries with another strong performance. Lovely supple power picture. Danish Lone Bang Larsen with her power mare Thranegaardens Rostov with a nicely balanced test without any technical issues.
Habibi Dvb / Mara De Vries - lovely expressive trot tour, super frame and balance, nice halt with rein back, nice half passes, lacking a bit more clear rhythm for the collected walk tour, good extended walk, nice canter half passes, well balanced, super extended canter, super smooth forward 3 times, good sit for pirouettes lack bit more collection, super nice 2 times, super transition for trot at C, power balance diagonal, superb halt.
Thranegaardens Rostov / Lone Bang Larsen - good halt, nice extended trot well balanced, nice shoulder in, volte, half pass nicely performed, tense rein back, half pass left bit tense hind, nice diagonal, good into walk, nice collected walk, supple over the back extended walk, smooth balance for zigzag, good extended canter, super flow 3 times, nice collection for 1st pirouette, good quality 2nd pirouette bit big, nice 2 times tiny swinging, bit stocked transition to trot, super diagonal with power, good halt.