Danish Warmblood Lindballes Just Perfect and Simone Pearce, WCYH 2018 - photo credit: Lily Forado
Werth with clear golden advantage for today's national Grand Prix victory
Den Haag / Isabell Werth - good halt, bit limited extended trot, nice half passes, nice halt with rein back, good passage, piaffe, passage, huge extended walk, good collected walk, bit forward travelling piaffe, good 2 times, bit unbalanced zigzag, good 1 times bit short, lost impulse/canter into 2nd pirouette, small unbalance before centerline, good final. Clearly Werth is asking Den Haag to do his job throughout the entire test. 75,633%
Australian Simone Pearce and the 13 year old HANN stallion Destano by Desperados / Brentano II showed a clear winner performance for today’s national Grand Prix at Herbergen. Well balanced and supple test, with just a small error by the 2 times, rest was shown in very nice harmony. Highlights were trot half passes, halt with rein back, extended walk and pirouettes.
Crystal Friendship / Annabel Balkenhol - smooth trot tour, lacking bit more swing and self carriage for half passes, good passage, bit open for piaffe tours need more sit and carriage, super walk tour, big supple 2 times, nice 1 times, good quality for pirouettes need a bit more control, nice final centerline. 73.100%
Destiny OLD / Kristina Bröring-Sprehe - well balanced trot tour, good halt with rein back, huge bit open passage, bit unbalanced into piaffe, nice walk tour, better into 2nd piaffe bit forward trend, error begin 2 times, nice active zigzag, super 1 times, need bit more forward search 1st pirouette, lost balance 2nd pirouette, nice final, super halt. 72,567%
Eaton Unitechno / Christoph Koschel - super expressive off the ground trot tour including expressive passage and easy in and out from active piaffe just missing a bit of balance, good canter tour, not the biggest canter but very useable, good trend for pirouettes lacking bit more collection. Dancing passage and easy transitions. 71,200%. Exciting horse 11 year old gelding by Wynton/San Remo.
Not placed
Curiosity/ Antonia Ramel - power trot tour, lacking bit balance for half passes, lost passage into a nice piaffe and lack more power direct out into passage, good walk, nice into 2nd piaffe, lacking clear transition out, tense into canter, good canter tour, error begin 1 times, nice sit and control for both pirouettes, good final. 70,600%
Eros / Lynda Oatley - nice trot tour, half passes need a bit more flow and let go, good 1st passage, nice rhythm for piaffe good transitions, good walk tour, 2nd piaffe lack bit more energy, good transition to canter, nice 2 times, nice zigzag, nice 1 times, lovely sit for both pirouettes, 2nd bit hind riders aides, bit running diagonal, smooth final, nice halt. 70,500% - lovely new partnership
Brancusi / Beatrice Buchwald-expressive trot tour, supple half passes, bit tensions for passage, cautious piaffes but nice angle, good walk, some issues for transition to canter, bit tensions for the canter tour, but overall nice qualities. 69,867%. Look like an exciting horse for the future and suits Beatrice very nicely.
See full results here.
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