Delgado with Beatrice Ferrer-Salat - photo credit: Lily Forado
18 year old and still at same level
This is true partnership and top management of a dressage horse at his “competition autumn” when Beatrice Ferrer-Salat is showing her 18 year old Delgado. He is top motivated and showing all his stuff with same qualities as ever.
Delgado ESP - power start, lack bit balance end of half pass right, left with good flow, good halt bit resistance for rein back, power diagonal, sharp transition to passage, super passage, easy transitions, good piaffe could show bit more off the ground, bit short extended walk, good collected walk, super transition at M to passage, super 2nd pa/pi/pa tour, good transition to canter, small disturb begin 2 times, good zigzag lack bit more bend, good 1 times, pirouettes lack more suppleness, power diagonal, sharp final centerline, superb halt.
Briolinca is not a big fan of steady halts. Lovely overall impression with lightness and power.
Classic Briolinca GBR - smooth trot tour, nice balance and power, not steady halt for rein back, super nice 1st passage/piaffe/passage with easy light transitions, good walk tour, nice active 2nd piaffe tour lovely sit with good transitions, good 2 times, change after extended canter small, good zigzag, small error end 1 times, bit unbalanced out 1st pirouette, 2nd pirouette nice quality, good transition to trot, super diagonal, smooth final centerline, very tense halt.
Ben Johnson one to keep an eye on. Nice controlled power picture with super qualities.
Ben Johnson / Van Baalen NED - nice halt, power diagonal in nice balance, super nice side picture, good rhythm/flow for half passes, bit tense rein back, nice diagonal, nice swinging passage, active piaffe at the spot, need more let go for extended walk, good collected walk, nice transitions to passage, good piaffe at the spot with good transition, good transition to canter, nice 2 times, nice extended canter, good zigzag, bit tense 1 times, good pirouettes, nice sharp final centerline.
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