Isabell Werth with Descolari - photo credit: M. Schreiner
74,488% win for Werth with the Desperados stallion Descolari
Not a quiet polished cooperation yet, but the top experience from Werth brings the best out the combination together, and for sure the overall picture will be different when bringing Descolari to the final at Frankfurt in December.
For now there are still two qualifiers before the final:
- Horses & Classic – Sommerturnier Schenefeld 06.10. – 07.10.
- Faszination Pferd 30.10. – 04.11.
- Finale Frankfurt 13.12 - 16.12
Qualified now are:
- Friederike Hahn/Die Fürstin 73,927%
- Dorothee Schneider/First Romance 73,659%
- Kira Wulferding/Brianna 76,171%
- Annabel Frenzen/Silber Stern 72,756%
- Hubertus Schmidt/Bonamour 73,372%
- Kira Wulferding/Bohemian Rhapsodie 75,927%
- Ann-Christin Wienkamp/Daley Thompson 72,780%
- Thomas Wagner/QC Fillipo Niro 72,122%
- Ingrid Klimke/Bluetooth 74,707%