VIDEO - World Cup leg in Mechelen for Dream Boy and Minderhoud

Final touch for the winner ribbon by Minderhoud himself.

Final touch for the winner ribbon by Minderhoud himself.

Determination and power for today’s World Cup victory

Minderhoud and Dream Boy ones again showed a strong test today winning the World Cup freestyle in front of routined Langehanenberg and Damsey.

Langehanenberg and Damsey delivered a strong freestyle with both more power and expression as the Grand Prix, with only weak point for today’s half passes missing more carriage and suppleness. Super nice piaffe tours, nice series, lovely balanced pirouettes and not least their special trademark the walk tour. Score 82,880%.

It was kind of a challenge trying to beat this score for Minderhoud with his still very young stallion. From the first step they both looked very determined and focused, and Dream Boy is responding positively all the way. Lovely freestyle with super nice music which suits the black elegant stallion very well. Just a small technical issue for the 2nd series with one times where Dream Boy jumps parallel hind. Very nice overall picture with nice suppleness and expression. Super way saying goodbye to the 1st year at international top level for Minderhoud and Dream Boy.

Portugal´s Maria Caetano with her big grey Lusitano stallion Coroado just stepped into the +80% freestyle league today.

See the entire results here.
