Blue Hors Don Olymbrio and Daniel Bachmann Andersen - photo credit: H2R
Today Dufour and Bachmann swapped placements
Still the two young Danes in top of the class, today with a bit sharper performance from Daniel and Don O than for Dufour and Bohemian, but still top top qualities for the young combinations.
Again today with personal best from Germany´s Kathleen Keller with San Royal and again today they were showing a very solid test without weaknesses. Unfortunately Kathleen started her half pass to early which means a deduction with a total of 2%!
Blue Hors Don Olymbrio DEN - small unbalance in entering canter, good halt, expressive diagonal, nice go and flow half pass left, good transition to passage at C, super power for extension at long side, supple smooth half pass to right, easy in and out from passage, good transition to walk with good relaxation and stretching, good collected walk, lack a tiny bit of energy for piaffe but nice at the spot keeping a good balance for both piaffe tours, unbalanced transition to canter, nice canter half passes, lovely uphill active 2 times, bit early start of 1 times but well performed, nice extended canter, good pirouettes, small tensions for 9 one times, 2nd pirouette with best quality, good transition to trot, super long side extension, very nice final, Daniel just reminds Don O to continue to final halt - very well managed.
Bohemian - good halt, nice diagonal with good expression, small disturb by transition at A, very regular and smooth passage sharp on the letters, good extended walk, good collected, easy smooth 1st transition into super 1st piaffe, 2nd piaffe superb, easy transition to canter, nice balance for canter half passes, nice 2 times bit hind vertical, error mid 1 times bit hind vertical, becomes short in the neck collecting from extended canter, superb control quality for both pirouettes, good 1 times, final extension gets bit into the hand at transition, superb final centerline (missing some more 9´s).
Also Danish at 4th place today with Lone Bang Larsen with Bakkely´s Onandt
Bakkely´s Onandt DEN - good halt, nice power for extension, supple forward half pass left, nice clear transition to passage at C, good extensions and nice transition back to good passage with nice elevation and clear rhythm, could show a bit more let go for extended walk, good collected walk, good 1st piaffe huge sit and easy out, 2nd piaffe lack bit more activity, bit resistance for transition to canter, bit early end of first canter half pass, nice series, nice extended canter change bit small, bit behind aides for 1st pirouette and lost balance, 2nd pirouette better, nice 1 times, nice final centerline.
All comments about all combinations on H2R Facebook.